We cut the cable at our house back in ’18. We’re exclusively “streamers” now. As a kid, the primary summer entertainment options for me began with a maternal push: “Go outside and play!” Apparently, the trend in 2022 is: “Stay inside and watch!”

The Nielsen people have documented a substantial increase in the time we all spend streaming “content” on our “devices”. And no wonder! As of this past February, according to Nielsen, there are 817,000 unique program titles (series, movies, specials and other programming) available via streaming services — an increase of some 171,000 titles (26.5 percent) since the end of 2019.

Unsurprisingly, nearly 50% of us feel overwhelmed by the range of choices available to us and yet over 90% of us plan to either keep or increase our current streaming service subscriptions.

So, what are YOU watching this summer?

  • Buzzfeed has a list of 37 shows to get excited about this summer.
  • The New York Times provides 27 shows to top your list.
  • AARP, perhaps because those of us of a certain age fall asleep so easily, has limited its list to 18.

Let me highly recommend a short and important series of six brief videos for you to watch…certainly this summer, and maybe within the next week. If you are a United Methodist, this is “MUST SEE TV.”

You can watch these on YouTube for free. I’ve included the link below.

Why bother watching some YouTube videos about the UMC?

I talk to a lot of local congregational leaders and pastors on an ongoing basis. The most common question I get is, “What should we do now?”

Why the question?

Well, it has become a matter of FOMO (fear of missing out).

How come?

Four reasons:

  1. There is a rising awareness that many congregations in other parts of the country (and world) are leaving the United Methodist Church to become part of the newly launched Global Methodist Church.
  2. They’ve heard that the window for such a change from United Methodist to Global Methodist will close at the end of 2023…so the clock is ticking.
  3. Some of them are also aware of the over-the-top “exit fees” annual conferences are piling on to local churches if they decide to leave.
  4. They are concerned about a vibrant and healthy future for their congregation and it looks like staying with the Northern Illinois Conference will be the pathway to continuing decline.

Nobody wants to miss out on a limited-time opportunity that will make all the difference for a very long time into the future.

The six brief videos fill the need for good, actionable information for United Methodists concerned about the future of their congregation and its ministry.

Rev. Rob Renfroe, President and Publisher of Good News Magazine and a pastor at The Woodlands UMC in Texas, hosts the six-part series:

  1. The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing
  2. Our Differences Regarding the Bible
  3. Our Differences Regarding Jesus
  4. Our Differences Regarding Sexuality
  5. Why It’s Time for Traditionalists to Leave
  6. Where Should We Go?

It you’d like to check out the possibility of a different, more vibrant future than what you’ve been experiencing with your current UMC connection, you will find a lot of pertinent information in these videos. Share them with others in your congregation, small group, Sunday School class, or leadership group.

Like me, you might find that a lot of what is available on various streaming services may be entertaining but it is rarely important.

These videos have to do with the faith and the future for you, your congregation, and your community.

Here’s the link: Methodism’s Division Six-Part Video Series

Hosted by the Rev. Rob Renfroe

Move these into the Top 5 on your summering watching list. They will certainly get and keep your attention.



Interim President
Wesleyan Covenant Association
1 Corinthians 15:58

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